Saturday 29 September 2012

Day 3: Demolition Dad

Here is where the fun begins! I say that every time we start a new project. I wonder how long I'll last before the projects start feeling like work. I'm really enjoying each day of this experience because I feel so fortunate to have the time to spend with my family. My dad and I are doing most of the work at the house, but there is so much more that goes on behind the scenes. Keith continues to work hard at his job, so I can take my maternity leave. Mom is working in Ottawa and we're missing her terribly! Caleb does a really good job of being careful and not getting hurt; he is actually the hardest worker on the sight and most eager to help. And , last but not least, Charlotte is the perfect little angel that waits around patiently in her various jails (car seat, swing, exersaucer, Bumbo, and bouncy chair) so I can get lots of work done between feedings. 

Day 3 Goals:

1. finish chopping and moving the tree
2. demo the closets in the three bedrooms
3. carefully remove the baseboards to be salvaged

I recommend doing the baseboards a little at a time. You can break up the job over a couple of days or trade the job off with someone else...patients runs out for even us elementary school teachers and breaking things just seems easier.

Two of my favourite guys!

And there he is: DEMOLITION DAD!

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